72 - Straight

Arizona, United States

May 10, 2024 03:48

I am a retired Real Estate Broker, I set on a Local Government Board, Not Married, White/Caucasian, 1 Adult Son lives in another state, I am Straight, Love Women, Fully Vaccinated, I look for Honesty, Kindness & Respect, I enjoy a little Wine or a Beer but not every night I eat healthy & love cooking, walk almost every day, I am still Active & Passionate, I would like to find an Honest Caring Passionate Lady to get to know & share time with. I grew up Back East, Go Red Sox and have lived in Arizona the past 5 years. I like the Ocean, Sunshine, Movies, Music, Nice Dinners or just Hanging Out getting to know each other. I would really like to hear from You.