44 - Straight

West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Nov 14, 2015 06:04

“How to describe me, errrrrrm,I take things as they come and people as i find them As a person I would consider myself really easy going,caring honest(a little too much so for my own good sometimes, I don't see the point in mincing your words}haha, Passionate, I can become quite animated when I get excited lol this does some people's heads in, but que serar serar(what will be, will be), and loyal, to my friends and love one's I will be there through thick and thin.
I'm quite a hard one to decribe really a bit of a marshmellow centre with jagged edges I've done various martial arts throughout my life( I proper love it)I love most things that give an adrenaline rush, love roller coasters and bungee jumps, I'd love to do a sky dive ! of my things to do before I die. I love to play the guitar and travel, quite often these have gone hand in hand, Played in a few bands when I was younger from metal to punk to indie but now i just play for fun. I listen to alsorts of music tho, really depends on my mood, just cant stand country and happy hardcore. I love to do oil paints and sculptures. As i said before I'm quite expressive I find the art and music calm my mind, cos lets face it there are some annoying morons in the world. I can't stand ****es and bullies and have no time for mean people as I have quite a caring nature and it just doesn't sit well with me. I'm easy going and will try to get along with any1 regardless of race,gender, sexual preference. With me it's as black and white as are you a good person or a knob? I'm a big softy really
I love to read, love movies( faves are green mile, shawshank redemption, the usual suspects, sliding doors erm loads really), rockclimbing.
looking for a woman who is passionate, caring, honest, someone who you can cuddle up with an talk about anything,good or bad, a yin to my yang, partners in crime, me and them v the world lol.Just a genuine loving woman and someone who can take my spontineity. haha probably askin for too much there and preferably no wreck head party fiends, been there, done that not really interested in that sort of girl.Not really expecting much from here but hopefully I get to meet some cool people , anything more you want to know, just ask x”