59 - Straight

Vic, Australia

Oct 6, 2015 15:21

Hello, I'm a 52yr guy,I'm 6"2&85kg and work as a tradesman(carpenter/foreman) in an all male environment and have no female contact for that 50 so hours a week.I have several long term female friends but they're more like mates.So I do miss the electricity that surrounds a romantic partnership& would dearly love to find an energetic woman,with a positive outlook.My (other) greatest loves are (first my 2daughters 13&23) & clearing my head on weekends surfing(I go once or twice most weekends in summer&winter&snowboarding as often as I can afford it during winter).I like to make the most of my weekends an plan something fun to reward myself for the hard slog of the week.i am very close to my girls and if I'm surfing or snowboarding my youngest will be by my side or way out in front of me.i would love to meet a mature energetic girl who still has enough life in her to try new things&accompany me on new adventures.A girl (mature) who surfs or snowboards would be a bonus but someone who is in someway physically active, of a healthy weight&doesnt smoke&wants to have a crack would be even better as I'm a good teacher& very aware of the fears&dangers involved(having safely guided my daughter both in the surf& in the snow) as we will have so many laughs in the process.I work in a very physical industry and I try to eat healthy (avoid a lot of processed foods or choose the unprocessed version) but I'm not a complete health nut&dont have any fanatical exercise regime(as work and keeping up with my youngest is excercisd enough) so I would be a disappointment to a lady who was totally health focused but I'm sure I could be converted by the right girl!