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57 - Straight

Minnesota, United States

Nov 20, 2015 18:31

I think one of the most difficult things in the world is to describe one's self... Different people perceive us differently than how we truly see ourselves... Maybe the best way to go, is to tell you how I perceive myself, and mix in a little of what other people say about me... If it sounds good to someone... I'm on my way... Right?

I would say I'm unique and that you probably have never met anyone like me (I mean that in a good way)... Fundamentally, I'm deep and complex. I tend to share my inner-most thoughts and feelings only with those I'm very close to. I'm very creative and need artistic outlets (mainly writing and music). On the surface, people usually comment on how kind, caring and thoughtful I am. I tend to be a gentle, loving person, but that does not mean I'm not assertive or lack confidence. My confidence is more a quiet, inner strength.

I don't dwell very long on my successes or failures, I love to laugh, I like to stay fit (I won't go gentle into that good night) and I enjoy learning and staying up on current events.

I come from stoic, Norwegian farmer stock, but a couple of generations away from the farm have helped me evolve beyond "You betcha" and "Uff Da"... I can speak in complete sentences and I'm fully capable of using inflection when I speak!! I even have a pretty good sense of humor (oops, I just said "pretty good", maybe I'm not completely evolved yet, but I'm working on it).

I tend to depend heavily on my intuitions and can be very spontaneous at times. I don't like conflict (unless sports are involved) or hurting other people. I'm extremely patient (this really helps when the fish aren't biting or the kids are fighting) and have a high level of empathy.

If you could interview others who know me, before you message me, they might also say I'm attractive (very subjective), hard working, humble and able to laugh at myself.

OK, so now you know a little about me (if you're still reading, I know you are at least patient), so let's talk a little about you (or what I'm hoping you will be like). I'd like to find a woman who is caring, positive, passionate, intelligent, fit, has a good sense of humor and doesn't sweat the little things in life. I would like to find someone who is my best friend. Someone with whom I can share the ups and downs of life. Someone who understands and enjoys children. Someone who has a big heart and giving spirit. Someone who is active, but also knows how to slow down and relax.

I'm not really into night clubs or going to parties every weekend, but I do like watching live music and enjoy small gatherings of friends. I'd like to find someone with whom I can have fun doing just about anything, whether it's going on a vacation or going to the grocery store. Someone who can appreciate holding hands on a walk, taking road trips together, trying new restaurants or cuddling in front of a fire.

So, in conclusion.... Just kidding, I won't make you endure any more of my ramblings. Hopefully you know enough now to make an informed decision about our compatibility.

PLEASE NOTE I: I'm not looking for anyone to take care of me. I'm fully capable of doing housework, laundry and cooking (although I'm not the best cook), along with all the regular "man" stuff.

PLEASE NOTE II: If you are racist, love motorcycles, have large/prominent tattoos, are materialistic, politically conservative, live life at 200 mph/24 hours per day, have a volatile temper and/or believe screaming is a form of communication (outside of a sports arena), then we probably wouldn't be a match.

PLEASE NOTE III: If you are looking for a dominating, controlling man who makes all the decisions in a relationship, I'm probably not your type... I believe a relationship is a team effort between two equals, working, playing and enjoying life together... No one's in charge...



Age: 47 / straight

United States


Age: 79 / straight

United States