51 - Straight

Minnesota, United States

Jan 12, 2017 21:20

I'm new to this site, I'm just starting to get back into dating again after being divorced for almost 10 years. I'm a very active, fun, easy going, down to earth, funny, flirtatious guy that doesn't like to take life too serious, I like being a kid at heart most of the time. I like to have fun no matter what I'm doing. I'm looking for someone who also like to have fun and is also a kid at heart. I like doing just about anything outdoors, I also enjoy cooking and trying out new places to eat. During the winter months, I tend to stay in and hibernate a little (not one for the cold Lol). I will probably add more to this later, but for now, if you'd like to know anything else about me... send me a message. I look forward to hearing from you



Age: 47 / straight

United States


Age: 79 / straight

United States