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64 - Straight

Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Jul 11, 2017 07:41

I am a very honest, straightforward gentle gentleman, who would like to meet a genuinely nice lady.
I am very much a workaholic and to be truthful I think that iis where I have gone wrong, I've always thought that my 'Private' life would sort itself out....well it has'nt and I am still single.
Please don't get me wrong, i have had lots of girlfriends and have been silly and put work first and lost the girl....... but I have decided that it is time to do something about it before it's too late.
I have to tell you that I love travel, adore Italy, love cars and hate football, I love my home and have a big garden but hate gardening, I like to cook and my home is clean and welcoming.
I enjoy cycling, nice peeps, I am extremely easy going with an outlook of total tolerance of other peoples lives their desires and wishes.
Something I do like very much is little 'Tea Rooms', I enjoy afternoon tea/cream tea especially when I spend it with someone really special.
I'm not much of a drinker and I don't smoke or take drugs, I suppose Im.a bit boring really, but I have a silly sense of humour.
I like white / blue (my fave colours)
Honesty, integrity, sincerity are my buzzwords.
Thanks for reading