40 - Straight

Derbyshire, United Kingdom

Apr 20, 2016 16:38

I'm a 32 year old man who prefers the quiet life after a sever back injury when I was 27.
I enjoy walking in the Peak District with my two c**ker spaniels and working in my garage creating... things make from metal and wood.
As a taxi also it has taught me I prefer to list to people, or rather stories that people have to tell as I can not do small talk, I can sit for hours just listening to someone talk about their life and encounters.

Honesty and trust id a great foundation for friendship and relationships, without it there is nothing.
So I shall add that I'm here to entertain the mature lady, whether it be for an evening or just to have a long conversation and some company. I have been on escort sites before and selling myself I realised is not moral in my book and feels wrong.
I'm 32, 6 foot 4 tall, brown hair and eyes, ex Olympic swimmer so in ok shape.
Single, clean, discreet and free every evening.
Feel free to message me.