66 - Straight

Arkansas, United States

Jan 21, 2015 21:09

I was brought up with old fashion traditions that some failed to receive. Such as opening a door for a woman and/or child. Saying please and thank you, trying to be the person I hope I am. I have a very good job and I do it very well. I own my own home and I've worked very hard for it. I'm not a drinker so I am not hanging out at bars, I despise anyone who physically or mentally hurts a woman, child or innocent animal. I have noticed lately that there are men out there that don't even care to have a job and think society and the government should give them everything. I guess it all comes down to having respect for yourself, giving respect, caring, nurturing, loving, being that person that can be counted on in a relationship to be there when your world turns to crap and I'm helping you lift yourself up out of it and not pushing you down further in it. I'm not sure if that all makes sense but I am just what I would call normal. I work long hard hours and I like to have just as much fun.