59 - Straight

East Sussex, United Kingdom

Sep 23, 2016 14:44

An unexplored country... Hi I'm a writer, philosopher, poet and painter who's well travelled and well read, I'm down to earth, unpretentious and quite frankly, often wonder at the shallowness, ostentatiousness and banality of society.

I've a wry sense of humour, and enjoy good female company with Chablis and candlelight. I don't make value judgements, and I relate well to people on a one to one basis, as I see each person as an unexplored country from which much may be learned.

I value intelligence and a sense of experiential adventure in women, in what ever direction that happens to take them. I'd say I was non-mainstream and interesting and accordingly I don't appreciate the dull and secure. I'm a practising Tantric and meditate and cycle every day to stay fit in both mind and body.

I'm looking for a single woman in her 50's, (as I believe this to be the best age for women, when they're no longer slaves to biology and free to do or become what they want) preferably non-smoking and without children, with a good sense of imagination and who likes to make hay while the sun shines....